Home for Real Men

Friday, September 11, 2009


Success doesn’t just happen. It takes more than a wish to break even and live life maximally. Many people desire to succeed but not many will taste the sweet juice of success. This is not as a result of divine partiality or age, location or colour. Success is neither a white, a black, a red nor of any other colour. Success starts with the mind. The mind is the centre of human activities that either make or mar any one, man or woman.


All Success is achievable.
There is no height attained by any one that another person cannot attain. If anyone has done it before then any other person can do it. It is important to know that impossibility is a mental block that tends to siphon our vital energies and renders us incapable of achieving our dreams. A lady who collected our form for an intensive training program, came to inform me that she can’t afford to pay the fees. I told her to never say she can’t afford a thing. This is because when you say you can’t afford to do what are supposed to do, you put a limitation on yourself and your God and that makes it impossible for you to be successful. She took my advice and went back resolving to start the program. Before the program had gone half way, she had completed the payments. I would always remind her of how timid she looked the day she came to indicate her withdrawal. All success is achievable. If someone can do it, then you can do it.

All Success is Relative.
This means that success in one area of life does not mean success in another area of life. That you succeeded as a footballer doesn’t mean you will succeed as a husband. This accounts for so called successful people making a failure morally. The rules are different for every game and in life that is the same. There are rules that govern football and there are rules that govern relationships. There are rules that govern businesses and there are that govern fatherhood. Success in one area does not translate to success in another area. Therefore for every endeavour, we must know and play by the rules.

All success is Unlimited.
There is no end to success. Recently, Usain Bolt, the Jamaican athlete broke his previous world record in track events. The new record will still be broken either by him or by another person. This is because there is no limit to success. The fastest computers of yesterday have been overtaken by newer ones. The same goes for cars and other inventions. There is no limit to success. You can get better. You can improve on your previous performances. You can break your ‘world’ records and set other ones. You can succeed beyond your wildest imagination.

All Success is Parallel.
My success doesn’t make it impossible for you to succeed. This is because all success is parallel. We all can succeed. The sky is so wide that every star can shine. No star can stop another star from shinning. So it will amount to foolishness for one star to envy another star. The success of one doesn’t cancel the success of another. There are enough resources to go round everyone. That is abundant mentality. If you have this mindset you will rejoice when another person succeeds, knowing that his or her success doesn’t stop you from succeeding.

Having the mindset seen in the above sub-themes will equip you for unlimited success. There is no better time to succeed than now. This is your time to make your mark. This is your time to succeed. Rise up from mediocrity and limitation-mentality and break through new horizons. Success is staring at you therefore reach forth and take it. But first of all realize that you can succeed. Yes you can.

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